Saturday, April 19, 2008

Friday's Incident

This is just one of those thrilling things that happen in life --

My friend Kristen and I were walking around the golf course while the girls danced yesterday and we heard an engine revving just up ahead off of a side road. We kept walking and then we saw him.... a younger guy (17ish) was racing through an intersection. He didn't make the turn and flew right in to the fence of the golf course -- the witnesses were guessing he was going about 40-45, way too fast for a 25. Anyway, Kristen and I were about 20 feet or so away from the site of impact. We called 911 as he frantically tried to back his car out. He finally got it out and sped away. Kristen got his license plate number and we reported it. Later I got a call from the police. They'd caught the kid. He was drunk (stupid boy!) and he was denying that he was even driving his car. Said he'd been asleep since 1 pm. The police said the car was warm to the touch, there were chain-link marks all across the front of the car, the muffler was hanging (we'd reported this) off the end of the vehicle and there was a spider mark in his windshield where his head had hit and apparently he had a wound on his head. Anyway, since the kid was denying everything they had to drive him over to dance and have Kristen and I identify him. I walked up to the car and it was definitely the boy we'd seen. That was enough for the police. They took him away and gave us the case number. Guess we'll have to go ID him in court if he doesn't take a plea bargain.

Just glad we're not a little faster walkers -- there would have been little to no time to react. Just goes to show you how fragile life is.



cydnee said...

Oh Shel this is so crazy!!! I am so thankful you did not get hit and I hope this boy comes to his senses and never does that again.

Nice job getting your exercise in this week! :)

Lori said...

My husband and I had something similar happen--A guy flew past us in a sports car while we were out running-hit a set of secure PO boxes, (knocked them over), backed up and sped off.
I guess he never thought about we runners having good eyesight (read his license plate) and cell phones.
Our thought was --it could of been us he hit, not the mailboxes!!

Shel said...

That does sound similar! Duh...what do these people think? I'm glad you were okay too.... so scary to be out there sometimes!