Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Week in Review

Well -- I didn't' make my mileage this week. I did better than ANY other week in the last 6 months though. A whoppin' 14.25 miles out of 22. I'm not sore though, so I think I can still get that distance in and be okay. Was a little worried at starting back out at that since I've been stagnant for so long.

I, again, learned yesterday that if I don't actually put down the TIME of day I'm going to exercise, it's not going to happen. During the time I wanted to workout I was talking to my mom on the phone. While it was a pleasant conversation, it didn't burn 700 calories. I did take the girls swimming last night and we goofed around for 1-1/2 in the pool, that was offset by cheese bread sticks however.

I guess all in all I'm on the right track with my workouts but not where I need or want to be at any rate. I'll need to sit down and write out a detailed schedule once I look at my calendar to see what's happening with like this next week.


Heather said...

Finding the time is the hardest thing! Good for you with the 14+ this week!

Thanks for letting me go with you on Friday too by the way! :)

Shel said...

Friday was fun! What kind of mileage are you up to? I bet you're doing great because you're hitting 5 miles or so a day, right?

You're doing great!